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Marco Rivera 教授学术报告

发布时间:2019年04月01日 作者: 浏览次数:


报告地点:网站赌博 校本部小礼堂

报告题目:Predictive Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

报告人:Marco Rivera,教授、博导,智利塔尔卡大学


In the last decade, fast modern microcontrollers have been continuously growing, allowing to develop and implement new and more intelligent control strategies as an alternative to conventional techniques for power converters. Predictive Control is one of these powerful and attractive alternatives that has received special attention in the last time. The use of predictive control offers several interesting advantages: it is an intuitive control approach, it does not need linear controllers and modulators, and it is possible to include easily nonlinearities and restrictions in the control law. It can be expected that the advantages of predictive control will lead to industrial applications in the future after some further progress.


Marco Rivera received his B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de Concepcion, Chile, in 2007 and 2008, respectively. He received his PhD degree from the Department of Electronics Engineering, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, in Valparaiso, Chile, in 2011 with a scholarship from the Chilean Research Fund CONICYT. During 2011 and 2012, Prof. Rivera held a Post Doctoral position and worked as part-time professor of Digital Signal Processors and Industrial Electronics at Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. Currently he is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at Universidad de Talca, Curicó, Chile.

Prof. Rivera Abarca was awarded a scholarship from the Marie Curie Host Fellowships for early stage research training in electrical energy conversion and conditioning technology at the University College Cork, Cork, Ireland in 2008. In 2012, Prof. Rivera was awarded the Chilean Academy of Science Doctoral Thesis Award (PremioTesis de Doctorado Academia Chilena de Ciencias), for the best PhD thesis published in 2011, selected from among all national and international students enrolled in any exact or natural sciences program in Chile and also he was awarded as an Outstanding Engineer in 2015.

Currently Prof. Rivera is member of the advisory council of the civil society for the ministry of energy. He has more than 300 papers published in international IEEE conferences and ISI journals.


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