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发布时间:2019年04月18日 作者: 浏览次数:



报告题目:Integrating safety and security risk assessment for Cyber-Physical Systems


The term Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) refers to a new generation of systems with integrated computational and physical capabilities through computation, communication, and control. A typical example of CPS is industrial control systems (ICS). In the past decades, related techniques for CPS have been well studied and developed, and are widely applied in the fields such as Industrial automation, smart transportation, aerospace, environment monitoring, and smart grids. However, with the expansion of CPS complexity and the enhancement of the system openness, most of CPS become not only safety-critical, but also security-critical since deeply involving both physical objects (i.e.industrial processes) and computer networks. Safety and security issues are increasingly converging on CPS, leading to new situations in which these two closely interdependent issues should now be considered together in therisk assessmentstage. This talkillustrates the existing approaches of risk assessment from the perspectivesof safety, security and their integrationthrough a series of industrial cases.The solutions of integrating safety and security risk assessment might be used in networked industrial processes or infrastructures, or othergeneralcyber-physical systems.


Prof. Shuang-Hua Yang, thousand talent scholar,is a professor in Computer ScienceatLoughboroughUniversity. He joined Loughborough University in 1997 as a research assistant, and progressing to a research fellow in 1999, a lecturer in 2000, a senior lecturer in 2003, a professor in 2006, and Head of Department of Computer Science in 2014. His educational history originated in China where hereceiveda BSc in 1983, an MSc in 1986, both from the Petroleum University and a PhD in 1991 from Zhejiang University. He was awarded a Doctor of Science (DSc) degree, a higher doctorate degree, in 2014 from Loughborough University to recognize his scientific achievement in his academic career. He is a fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) since 2014, a fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control since 2005, and a senior member of IEEE since 2003. He was awarded the 2010 Honeywell Prize by the Institute of Measurement and Control in the UK in recognition of his contribution to home automation research. He was the author of four research monographs and over 200 academic journal papers.


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