报告人:杨涛,助理教授、博导,英国诺丁汉大学电力电子电机与控制 (PEMC)组, 英国航空研究院多电飞机方向负责人
Speaker: Prof. Dr.TaoYang
报告摘要:洁净天空计划2 (2014 – 2022)是由欧盟提出的为配合新环保要求针对欧洲航空业设计的大型科技研发计划。计划将通过改善飞机的燃油系统等举措,降低飞机的噪音和温室气体排放,减少航空运输对环境的影响,从而建立一个创新的、具有竞争力的欧洲航空运输体系。该报告介绍诺丁汉大学PEMC组参与洁净天空计划情况。重点介绍高速绿色滑行及发电集成一体化ACHIEVE项目。ACHIEVE项目采用多相电机和碳化硅电力电子变换器技术,考虑故障冗余的设计理念,并最终集成到飞机引擎内部(110oC环境温度)并地面测试。
Dr. Tao Yangis an assistant professor of aerospace electric power systems at the University of Nottingham. His expertise includes DCsmart grid for aerospace applications, high-speed electrical machine and drives. Dr. Yang has more than 9 years’ experience of aerospace electrical power systems. Dr. Yang’s PhD research within Clean Sky on “Modelling electrical power system for more-electric aircraft applications” has resulted in him winning the inaugural “Clean Sky Best PhD Award” in 2016. Dr Yang is currently with over £5M research portfolio covering aerospace electrical system studies including high-speed electrical generation systems, DC/DC converter and SSPCs for aircraft DC power distributions, DC smart grid for aerospace applications. Dr. Yang is a member of “National Technical Committee for Aerospace Electrical Power System, UK” and standing as a committee member of SAE Standard AE-7M committee. He has published over 50 conference and journal papers.