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发布时间:2019年06月28日 作者: 浏览次数:



报告地点:铁道网上赌博网站 电子楼302会议室


报告题目:Fault Detection, Diagnosis, & Prognosis towards Autonomous Health Management and Maintenance Optimization for Rail Vehicle Systems

报告摘要:Prognostics andHealth Management (PHM)play an increasinglyimportantrole in transportation system. The presentationintroducesthe development of equipment health management technology, PHM technology system, design and development processof PHMandsomerepresentativeapplicationcasesin rail transit system.


报告题目:Industrial AI for Maintenance and Repair: Recent Advances and New Applications

报告摘要:Industrial AI for maintenance and repair helps increase asset availability, increase asset utilization, improve product quality, increase safety and reliability of operations, reduce operations and maintenance cost and enhance operational control and planning. The maintenance and repair problems include following three parts: descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. The descriptive analytics give insights of the present, then the predictive analytics provide a view of the future, and finally the prescriptive analytics decide the recommendation of best action.


报告题目:Whatcomes after prognostics

报告摘要:Post-prognostic decision making realizes the true benefit of PHM. Decision-Making can be framed as a Multi-Objective Dynamic Problem. Insight necessary to make right operational decisions. Complexity of information that needs to be processed exceeds cognitive, information processing capacity of human decision-makers. Optimization crucial to success of effective PHM DSS. It’s important to allow PHM user to collaborate in decision-making process


地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区网站赌博 民主楼

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