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乐寅辉、廖业鑫、卢先奇、吴名建、武悦、闫立森、周旭7人参加IEEE能源转换大会(ECCE 2019)国际会议学术报告

发布时间:2019年10月12日 作者: 浏览次数:




报告题目:Emerging eT&D Grids: Energy Storage, Electrification, and the Increasing Role of Power Electronics

报告摘要:Emerging electronic transmission and distribution (eT&D) grids will evolve rapidly accommodating the changes in generation mix and load profile that are associated with increasing renewable and distributed generation, electrification and bidirectional power flows. For eT&D grids to operate reliably with a high degree of autonomy, there is a greater need for energy storage systems and intelligent power conversion systems with advanced circuit topologies and high speed communication infrastructure. Current challenges for the future eT&D grids include limited scale of energy storage deployments along with low penetration of power electronics in the current grid infrastructure. As we look into a future with 70-80% renewables in the generation mix and higher amounts of dc loads including electric vehicles and appliances, the load profile and operational aspects of the grid will experience changes that are not well forecast. This presentation will review state of eT&D grid development, expected developmental pathways, and projections for eT&D grid in the distant future.


报告题目:A New Bi-directional Wireless EV ChargingController Tolerant to Large Pad Misalignments

报告摘要:Misalignment in charging pads in wireless EVcharging systems invariably results in reduction in charging rateand increase in losses. This paper presents a new control techniquethat restores the charging level to its rated power level withminimum losses under misaligned pads. The control techniqueensures that the system will always operate under the tunedcondition, despite any pad misalignment, to deliver rated powerand without any direct communication. To demonstrate thevalidity of the proposed control concept, a comprehensivemathematical model is presented, in comparison to simulationresults.


报告题目:Power Distribution and Individual Phase Control of Asymmetrical Three-Phase Cascaded Multilevel Hybrid Energy Storage System in Star Configuration

报告摘要:Considering the coupling among chains and links, a power distribution and individual phase control method is proposed for asymmetrical three-phase cascaded multilevel hybrid energy storage system in star configuration. Based on a three-phase system with battery and capacitor operating as two different sources, an individual phase control method is utilized to distribute active and reactive power in each phase independently. The stable operating range has been derived to avoid overmodulation, and common range of asymmetrical links is also obtained to achieve individual phase control. A 5MW/35kV system with proposed control strategy is experimented on RT-LAB platform to validate the feasibility of this method show that we can detect anomalous behavior with high accuracy (>99.9%), nearly zero false positives and short (<360ms) latency


报告题目:Predicting Lithium-ion Battery Resistance Degradation using a Log-Linear Model

报告摘要:The resistance is one of the parameters that describes the performance of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, as it offers information about the battery efficiency and its power capability. However, similar to other performance parameters of Li-ion batteries, the resistance is dependent on the operating conditions and increases while the battery is aging. Traditionally, to capture these dependencies, Li-ion cells are aged at different conditions using synthetic mission profiles and periodically the aging tests are stopped in order to measure the resistance at standard conditions. Most of the times, even though accurate information about the resistance behavior is obtained, they do not reflect the behavior from real-life applications. Thus, in this work we propose a method for extracting, modelling, and predicting the resistance directly from the battery dynamic mission profile. While the extraction mainly relied on data manipulation and bookkeeping, the modelling and subsequent prediction of the resistance used a log-linear model.


报告题目:Miniature High-Voltage DC-DC Power Converters for Space and Micro-Robotic Applications

报告摘要:We develop a small and lightweight high-voltage high-gain power converter for applications where weight and size are premium. By driving a Dickson and Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier with a megahertz-frequency class-E inverter,we implement two converters, one that achieves 40 V-to-2 kV conversion with 16 cm3box volume and the other that achieves 3.7 V-to-2.9 kV conversion with 0.2 cm3box volume and 0.49 g weight. Presented converters achieve comparable or better power density and specific power to those of commercial high-voltage power supplies.


报告题目:An Integrated State of Health (SOH) Balancing Method for Lithium-Ion Battery Cells

报告摘要:This paper proposes a novel methodology to balance the State of Health (SOH) of lithium-ion battery cells which are connected in series through DC/DC converters. SOH has been emerged as the critical battery health indicator besides the State of Charge (SOC), battery internal resistance and other conventional precursors. SOH balancing is crucial for utilizing the battery cells which shows different capacity characteristics due to aging factor. A simplified SOH balancing topology of liion battery cells which are connected through DC/DC converters providing power to a common load is proposed. The simplified SOH balancing method is well applicable to cases where battery maintenance accessibility is limited. Additionally,employing the proposed SOH balancing scheme would enhance the operational life time of total battery storage unit and reduce the battery replacement cost. Extensive simulations have been presented in this paper to validate the proof of concept.


报告题目:Direct Comparison of State-of-Charge and State-of-Energy Metrics for Li-Ion Battery Energy Storage

报告摘要:This report presents a direct experimental evaluation of differences between state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-energy (SOE) metrics for lithium-ion storage batteries. The SOC-SOE metric differences are first investigated for single constant-current-constant-voltage (CC-CV) cycles under room temperature (25 degree centigrade) conditions to understand the significance of incorporating voltage into the SOE metric. Experimental results show that the SOC-SOE difference values are a function of C-Rate, where larger C-Rates result in larger metric differences. This investigation has also shown that lower ambient temperatures increase the SOC-SOE difference values, mirroring the effects of temperature on battery voltage. Finally, tests investigating the effects of battery aging on these metrics indicate that the SOC-SOE difference values increase as the batteries age, suggesting that the SOC-SOE difference variable holds potential for use in state-of-health estimation.


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