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施光泽、陈孝莹、陈希达3人参加IEEE能源转换大会(ECCE 2019)国际会议学术报告

发布时间:2019年10月15日 作者: 浏览次数:


报告地点:网站赌博 本部民主楼222


报告题目:A Common Second Frequency Control of Island Cascaded-type Microgrid

报告摘要:Cascaded-type microgrid plays an important role in high voltage level applications. The frequency regulation is the guarantee for obtain a high supply power quality. This paper proposes a common second frequency control for cascaded-type microgrid based on low bandwidth communication. This proposed method is capable to achieve frequency recovery under both resistive-inductive and resistive-capacitive load. Meanwhile, the proper power sharing is obtain. Moreover, the communication cost is decreased compared centralized control. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed method is verified by simulation results.


报告题目:A Modulation method for DCX LLC Converter to Achieve Fixed Voltage Gain and Bidirectional Power Transfer with Power Limitation Capability

报告摘要:The LLC resonant converter can be used as a dc–dc transformer (DCX) to provide isolation and fixed voltage transfer ratio. In this paper, a modulation strategy is proposed to achieve natural bidirectional power flow for DCX-LLC converters without exchanging the PWM logics and without auxiliary SR circuit. Without loss of generality, the proposed modulation can achieve ZVS of one side switches and ZCS of another side switches. In addition, the converter gain is fixed as long as the converter resonant current is discontinuous. Meanwhile, two additional diodes are added to achieve the constant output power limitation under overload condition.


报告题目:A Predictive-Control-Based Over-Modulation Method for Third-Harmonic Injection Two-Stage Matrix Converter

报告摘要:Third-harmonic injection two-stage matrix converter not only possess the same essential features as conventional MCs, but also have some superior performance such as enhanced input reactive power capability. However, as similar to the conventional MCs, the third-harmonic injection two-stage matrix converter still has limited linear voltage transfer ratio and poor input/output performance under the condition of over-modulation. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes an over-modulation method based on predictive control. This method has advantages of improved voltage transfer ratio and input/output waveforms.


地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区网站赌博 民主楼

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