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陈彬、张瑞参加IEEE IECON 2019国际会议学术报告

发布时间:2019年10月29日 作者: 浏览次数:





报告题目:Power system with 100% renewable energy: the long wait…

摘要:The need for decarbonization of the society and economy, due to the climatic threats, will lead to an increase of electricity consumption in conjunction with a large scale penetration of renewable power sources on the generation mix during the next years. By 2050, Portugal aims to have an electric power systems with electricity consumption resulting from almost 100% renewable power generation. This talk will be about the challenges and opportunities that such change will bring to the planning and management of an electric power system aiming at such ambitious target.


报告题目:TheSmart Transformer: providing service to the electric network and addressing the reliability challenges through power routing

摘要:The increasing penetration of renewable energy systems and charging stations is challenging the distribution grids. The Smart Transformer is a power electronics-based transformer with control and communication functionalities, which can avoid or defer the costly network reinforcement required in both the LV and MV grids. The Smart Transformer allows hybrid and meshed network operation also with variable voltage profile, being able to integrate more effectively storage and offer service to the MV and HV grids (like frequency support). Laboratory experiments through Hardware in the Loop (HIL) and Power HIL with a special grid emulator and a downscaled ST prototype developed at the Chair of Power Electronics of Kiel University will provide insights in the ST operation.


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