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Professor Amir Hussain (Edinburgh Napier University, UK)学术报告

发布时间:2019年12月13日 作者: 浏览次数:

报告题目:Towards Cognitive Big Data and Cyber Informatics: Real world case studies and emerging research challenges

报告人:Professor Amir Hussain (Edinburgh Napier University, UK)




Cognitive Big Data and Cyber-Informatics is an emerging discipline, bringing together complementary areas of neurobiology, cognitive psychology, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. Ongoing pioneering work at Edinburgh Napier University is developing cognitively-inspired Big Data Informatics for engineering secure and smart systems of tomorrow. Two case studies are briefly introduced in this talk. First, collaborative research into cognitively-inspired multi-modal speech perception is leading to the development of a novel secure and privacy-assured, audio-visual speech processing system. The proposed framework exploits contextual use of both audio and visual (including lip-tracking) information, and 5G-IoT enabled lightweight encryption algorithms, with potential applications in next-generation multimodal hearing aids, listening devices and related assistive technology. The second case study focusses onopen-domainsentiment analysis of natural language text using sentic computing: a novel multi-disciplinary paradigm, exploiting the semantic, latent and implicit meaning of natural language concepts. Ongoing extensions of this work include a cognitively-inspired emotion and deception detection system, based on contextual multimodal inputs, including text, audio and facial information. This is enabling more natural human-computer interaction for a range of future secure and smart (e)applications. We present a brief summary of these exciting multi-disciplinary research areas, and outline some future research directions and challenges.

Professor Amir Hussain

Director, Cognitive Big Data and Cyber-Informatics (CogBiD) Research Lab

School of Computing, Merchiston Campus,

Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh EH10 5DT, Scotland, UK

E-maill:[email protected][email protected]




Amir Hussain is full Professor of Computing Science, and founding Director of the Cognitive Big Data and Cyber-Informatics (CogBiD) Research Group at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, UK. He obtained his BEng (with the highest 1st Class Honours, with distinction) and PhD (in novel neural network architectures and algorithms for real-world applications), both from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK, in 1992 and 1997 respectively.

Professor Hussain’s research interests are cross-disciplinary and industry-led, aimed at developing cognitive data science and cybersecurity technologies to engineer the

smart systems of tomorrow. In 2017-18, he was ranked, in independent surveys (including in Elsevier’s Information Processing and Management Journal), as one of the world’s top two most productive, highly cited researchers in sentiment analytics (since 2000).

He has (co)authored three international patents, more than 350 publications, with approximately 150 journal papers and over a dozen Books, including the world’s first research monographs in multi-disciplinary areas of: sentic computing (sentiment analysis), cognitive agent based computing, and cognitively-inspired audio-visual speech processing. He has led major multi-disciplinary research projects, as Principal Investigator, funded by national and European research councils, local and international charities and industry, and has supervised more than 30 PhDs to-date.

He is founding Editor-in-Chief of (Springer Nature’s) Cognitive Computation journal (ISI SCI Impact Factor (IF): 4.29) and BMC Big Data Analytics journal (published by BioMed Central (BMC) – part of Springer Nature).He has been appointed invited Associate Editor of several prestigious journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, and (Elsevier) Information Fusion. Amongst other distinguished roles, he is General Chair for IEEE WCCI 2020 (the world's largest and top IEEE technical event in Computational Intelligence, comprising IJCNN, FUZZ-IEEE and IEEE CEC, attracting around 2,000 delegates), Vice-Chair of Emergent Technologies Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and Chapter Chair of the IEEE UK & Ireland, Industry Applications Society Chapter.


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