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发布时间:2020年07月06日 作者: 浏览次数:



地点:腾讯会议(ID:128 397 674)



报告标题:A Decentralized Control for CascadedInverters in Grid-connected Applications

报告摘要:In thisreport, a decentralized control forcascaded inverters is introduced, in which one inverter iscontrolled as a current source and the others arecontrolled as voltage sources. The power sharing andsynchronization of the inverters are realized withouthigh-bandwidth communication. Meanwhile, it is robustagainst the voltage sag\swell and frequency deviation ofgrid. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed method isverified by simulation and experimental results.



报告标题:A Decentralized SOC Balancing Method for Cascaded-type Energy Storage System

报告摘要:In microgrids, as unbalanced state of charge (SOC) of storage modules often leads to the decrease of lifetime, SOC balancing control is essential. In this paper, a decentralized SOC balancing method is proposed to balance the SOC of cascaded-type energy storage systems. Since the method does not rely on any communication, it possesses higher reliability. As is well known, SOC is a slow variable compared to other variables such as voltage and current. Thus, the studied system has obvious two-time scale characteristic. Then the stability analysis of the system based on singular perturbation theory is carried out. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed SOC balancing scheme is verified through simulation and experiment results.



报告标题:Accurate Small-Signal Continuous-Time Modeling of Digitally Controlled Buck Converters

报告摘要:In digitally controlled Buck converters, the pulse-width modulator (PWM) and sample-and-hold bring nonlinearity and time-periodicity, which makes the accurate frequency-domain analysis intractable. In light of this, this talk will explore an exact small-signal continuous-time modeling for a digitally controlled Buck converter operating in continuous-conduction mode (CCM) under constant-frequency voltage-mode control. The sideband components on the closed-loop control are considered in the model, which breaks the limit of Nyquist frequency. In addition, the loop gain measurement issue is discussed. The phenomenon, distinguished by the usual averaged model, that different information injection points lead to different measured loop gains is explained based on the obtained exact small-signal model.



报告标题:A General Impedance-Emulating Digital Control of Single Phase Rectifier for High Power factor

报告摘要:This talk will explore a general impedance- emulating control for single-phase rectifiers. The general impedance- emulating includes the emulated resistance, the harmonic impedance and the negative inductance. The emulated resistance is the basic component that is used to regulate the dc-link voltage. To repress the harmonic currents due to the distorted input supplies, a general harmonic impedance based on the concept of repetitive control is emulated. Moreover, the modified ES is applied to estimate the boost inductance online, which overcomes the problem that the accurate equivalent inductance value on the grid side is difficult to obtain. Thus, a higher power factor can be achieved with the proposed adaptive negative inductor- emulating method. In this method, the input voltage sensor is not needed, so the cost is reduced and the reliability is improved.


地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区网站赌博 民主楼

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