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University of Adelaide,Peng Shi教授学术报告

发布时间:2021年04月01日 作者: 浏览次数:


报告题目:Defense control design for cyber-physical systems with attacks


报告人:University of AdelaidePeng Shi教授



报告地点:线上会议(腾讯会议)会议 ID334 231 017;会议密码:0402




Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the mechanisms controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with the internet and its users. CPSs are the central research topic in the era of Industrial 4.0, and continue to be in the forthcoming Industrial 5.0., which have attracted a lot attention in the past years. Undergoing an ever-enriching cognitive process, CPSs deeply integrates control, communication, computation, cloud and cognition. In this talk, we firstly review some basic knowledge with respect to the concepts, history, and some viewpoints on CPS security. Some commonly appeared malicious threats will be introduced. Then, we present some our recent work on reliable control and estimation design to detect and prevent the cyber-attacks, and maintain desired system performance.




Peng Shi received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Newcastle, Australia, and the PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of South Australia. He was awarded two higher doctorates -- Doctor of Science degree from the University of Glamorgan, UK, and the Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia. He is now a Professor at the University of Adelaide. His research interests include systems and control theory and applications to network systems, robotic and autonomous systems, and cyber-physical systems, and intelligent systems. He has been recognised as a Highly-Cited Researcher in both fields of engineering and computer science by Clarivate Analytics/Thomson Reuters from 2016 to 2020. He has served as Editor-in-Chief, Editor, Subject Editor-in-Chief, Special Issue Editor and Associate Editor for a number of journals, including Automatica and IEEE Transactions on (Automatic Control, Cybernetics, Circuits and Systems, Fuzzy Systems), IEEE Access and IEEE Control Systems Letters. He was an Australian Research Council College of Expert member, and a Board of Governors member of IEEE SMC Society. He now serves as the President of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, the Vice President and Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE SMC Society. He is a Member of the Academy of Europe, and a Fellow of IEEE, IET and IEAust.


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