报告题目:Multi-objective evolutionary federated neural architecture search
Neural architecture search has been shown to be effective in automating the design of deep neural networks. Not much work has been reported, however, on neural architecture search in a federated environment, in which data privacy and communication cost as well model accuracy are of great importance. Following a brief introduction to the Pareto approach to optimization and machine learning, this talk will present two recently developed multi-objective evolutionary neural architecture search algorithms that maximize the learning performance and minimize communication cost.
金耀初分别于1988、1991及1996年在浙江大学电机系获学士、硕士和博士学位,并于2001年在德国波鸿鲁尔大学神经信息研究所获工学博士学位 (Dr.-Ing.)。
院士、IEEE Fellow。
长期从事人工智能与计算智能的理论、算法和工程应用研究,特别是数据驱动的复杂系统进化优化、进化多目标机器学习、联邦学习与安全机器学习、演化发育系统与形态发育机器人学等。金耀初教授已发表学术论文400余篇,获美国、欧盟和日本专利9项。据Google Scholar,其论文被引用总次数28,000余次,h-index 81,入选Web of Science 2019-2021年度 “全球高被引科学家”。多次获“IEEE进化计算汇刊优秀论文奖”及“IEEE计算智能杂志优秀论文奖”。目前担任《IEEE认知与发育系统汇刊》主编,《复杂与智能系统》主编。