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发布时间:2022年03月30日 作者: 浏览次数:277


地点:线上报告,Zoom Meeting:939 5049 1952(密码:211555)

报告题目:Optimal Analysis of Structures; Graph Methods

报告人:A. Kaveh, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Postal Code 16846-13114, Iran


In this lecture a review of optimal analysis of structures is presented. Analysis is calledoptimalif the corresponding structural matrix (stiffness or flexibility) is sparse, well structured and well conditioned. Associating graph models to structural models transform the formation of structural matrices to those of their graph matrices. This not only provides a powerful means for the formation of matrices with the aforementioned properties but also makes the swift analysis of structures feasible.

Many space structures and finite element models are either symmetric or regular. A structure is called symmetric or regular if it can be modeled as the product of two graphs. Four well established graph products consisting of Cartesian, Strong Cartesian, Direct and Lexicographic products are defined by mathematician and utilized for configuration processing of space structures. Many theorems are also proven for swift eigensolution of graph matrices like Adjacency and Laplacian matrices. However, to include more general models, the existing graph products have been generalized by the author and colleagues. These generalized products have to be utilized in linear algebra to increase the utility of the graph products in science and engineering.

In this paper, the recently developed methods for swift analysis of symmetric and regular structures for optimal design by meta-heuristic algorithms are presented. These methods facilate optimal design of the structures, where analysis should be performed hundred or even thousands of times. This results in substantial reduction of computer storage and computational time for optimal design of large-scale structural models.

关键词: Graph theory; Optimal analysis; Optimal design; Structures

个人简介:Ali Kavehwas born in 1948 in Tabriz, Iran. After graduation from the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Tabriz in 1969, he continued his studies on Structures at Imperial College of Science and Technology at London University, and received his M.Sc., DIC and Ph.D. degrees in 1970 and 1974, respectively. He then joined the Iran University of Science and Technology. Professor Kaveh is the author of 600 papers published in international journals and 155 papers presented at national and international conferences. He has authored 23 books in Persian and 11 books in English published by Wiley, Research Studies Press, American Mechanical Society and Springer. Professor Kaveh is the fellow of the Iranian Academy of Sciences, World Academy of Science, and European Academy of Sciences and Arts.


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