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发布时间:2022年11月14日 作者: 浏览次数:


报告地点:Zoom Meeting ID:341 119 9801(Password:123456)

报告1题目:Application of Fuzzy Control for Electrical Energy Management of a Building

报告人:Prof. Shakil R. Sheikh(Air University)

摘要:Soft islanded system is the current trend of the electrical energy distribution system. These micro-grid systems are sustainable, environment friendly, and energy conserving but also minimally dependent on the national grid, reducing the overall load on the main grid. However, managing multiple sources and loads and dealing with the constraints of each source is cumbersome for manual and traditional procedures as they require intelligence to achieve optimality in performance. Therefore, an intelligent fuzzy logic-based controller for building energy management systems is proposed, which manages solar photo-voltaic, battery, load demand, and grid price as inputs in such a way that the cleanest and most economical source is utilized as a priority. In case of limited power and high cost, it curtails the load. It only allows the critical load to operate, thus reducing energy consumption and peak energy requirements and saving revenue. Results show that the proposed controller manages the sources and load smartly and optimally, and due to the load curtailment mechanism, 30% to 40% energy saving is achieved.

简介:Dr. Shakil R. Sheikh currently teaches at the Department of Mechatronics, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He completed his Master’s degree from University of Texas at Austin, USA. His Ph.D. is from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. His current research is centred on Energy and Sustainability, including areas of Thermofluids, Smart Energy Systems and Energy Conservation. He has wide experience in Research & Development, Academia and Higher Education Management.


报告2题目:Optimized Off-grid AC/DC Microgrids for Rural Electrification ofRemote Communities

报告人:Dr. Muhammad Adil Khan(Air University)

摘要:A large portion of the world's population lives in developing countries. Rural areas in many of these countries are isolated geographically from grid connections and they have a very low rate of electrification. The uninterrupted power supply in these regions is a considerable challenge. The use of renewable energy resources (RER) in an off-grid hybrid energy system can be a pathway to solving this problem. This presentation will discuss a variety of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) based the indigenously available renewable energy resources to meet diverse community needs. This presentation will discuss the different sites chosen for the proposed study to perform a techno-economic analysis of microgrids to find the optimal combination of renewable energy components based on available resources to achieve the lowest COE (cost of energy) and NPC (net present cost) to meet the expected load requirements of the community in the selected study.

简介:Muhammad Adil Khan, assistant professor of air university Pakistan. He is post doct researcher in city university of Hong Kong from 08 2022- till date. His PhD is from Pusan national university in 2018. His researching interests including Renewable Energies, Power Electronics, Energy Conservation, Power transmission and distribution Systems, EVs, DC microgrids, Energy Management Systems, Hybrid energy Systems, Fast charging System, Electrical Vehicles.



报告3题目:Performance Comparison of Advanced Control Techniques for DC-DC Converters Feeding Constant Power Loads in DC Microgrids

报告人:Dr. Fiaz Ahmad(Air University)

摘要:DC microgrids are becoming more widely used due to their simple structure and flexible controls, and due to the fact that there is no need for synchronization and reactive power compensation. These structures on the other hand mostly consist of constant-power loads (CPLs), which pose problems of negative impedance that could ultimately cause instability issues such as large voltage variations in the grid leading to power quality problems. In this work, a thorough investigation has been performed for various control strategies that have been adopted from time-to-time to address the problems caused by CPLs in DC MGs. Different control techniques discussed in the literature are reviewed and a set of three famous control algorithms, namely Fuzzy logic control, Model predictive control and sliding-mode control, are picked up and a comparative analysis of these control techniques is done under a diverse set of grid conditions such as source voltage variation, load variation, parametric variation etc. The simulation results for different scenarios are analyzed and merits and demerits of the considered control methods are highlighted.

简介:Dr. Fiaz Ahmad,associate professor of air university Islamabad, Pakistan. His B.Sc. Electrical Engineering is from university of engineering &technology, Peshawar Pakistan in 2008. His PhD is from Sabanci University, Istanbul Turkey in 2017. His researching interests include monitoring and control of energy systems, renewable energy systems and so on.



报告4题目:Theory and Applications of Volterra Models for Smart Energy

报告人:Prof. Denis Sidorov(Irkutsk National Research Technical University)

摘要:Energy storage systems play a pivotal role in the power system considering the large penetrations of variable renewable energy, growth in transport electrification, telecom and decentralisation of heating loads. Therefore, robust real time methods to optimise energy storage, demand response and generation are vital for power system operations. This talk presents an adaptive approach to solve this load levelling problem with storage. A dynamical model based on the first kind Volterra integral equation is used. The comprehensive introduction to Volterra models theory will be presented. A direct regularised numerical method is employed to dispatch the battery in terms of integral equation solution. Validation on real data shows that the proposed evolutionary Volterra model effectively generalises conventional discrete integral model taking into account both battery nonlinear efficiency and the availability of generation/storage.

简介:Denis Sidorov was born in Irkutsk, Russia, in 1974. He received the Ph.D. and Dr. Habil. degrees in applied mathematics from Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia, in 2000 and 2014, respectively. He is currently a Principal Researcher with Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia and a Professor with Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia. His research interests include integral and differential equations, machine learning, wind energy, and inverse problems.


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