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发布时间:2024年01月05日 作者: 浏览次数:




报告标题:A new Zero Voltage Transmission method based on totem pole bridgeless PFC rectifier with APD

报告摘要:The totem-pole power factor correction (totem-pole PFC) converter has been widely used because of its simple structure and low common-mode noise. However, in practical applications, the power density of the totem-pole PFC is limited by the bulky capacitor used to store the double-line frequency ripple power (DFRP), known as the passive power decoupling (PPD) technique. One alternative to eliminating the bulk capacitors is to add a bidirectional dc-dc circuit to handle the DFRP, which is usually called the active power decoupling (APD) technique. However, the introduction of additional components will cause power losses, reducing the system's efficiency. Addressing this issue, this paper proposes an improved totem-pole PFC rectifier with APD. It is derived by adding a bidirectional switch between the PFC bridge and the decoupling bridge. With proper control, the grid current (the decoupling inductor current) can be used to achieve the soft switching operations of the switches in the decoupling circuit (the PFC circuit), thereby improving efficiency. The proposed circuit is tested on a 500 W experimental prototype, and the results show a 1% increase in efficiency.


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