Yuri Shardt教授学术报告
报告题目:Big Data and Process Control: An Overview and Perspective for the Future
报告人:Yuri Shardt教授,德国Technical University of Ilmenau
The foundation of process control and monitoring is an understanding of the process and its behaviour, which essentially means that there is a need for a model or relationship between the inputs and outputs. With the development of advanced tools in modelling, the question becomes how to incorporate them into process control in order that they provide the most benefit and do not introduce new problems. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the different topics and methods in advanced process control, monitoring, and system identification.
Prof. Shardt is currently the chair of the Department of Automation Engineering at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, working on the development of advanced system identification and fault detection and isolation methods for application to industrial problems. He teaches courses in statistics, system identification, automation engineering, and discrete event systems. He has worked at the University of Duisburg-Essen, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, in the ceramics and glass-making industry, and at the University of Alberta. In these jobs, his research focused on the development and implementation of advanced control methods for complex and uncertain systems.