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报告题目:微型光纤光谱仪的关键技术与应用报告时间:4月2日9:00-11:00报告地点:民主楼313报告摘要:微型光纤光谱仪,由于准确性高、成本较低、体积小等特点,在环保仪器、工业检测、生物医疗等领域应用越来越多。本讲座将详细介绍光纤光谱仪的内部结构、主要性能参数及其如何提升其性能,同时举例介绍了其应用场景。报告人简介:刘鸿飞,博士,奥谱天成(厦门)光电有限公司董事长。厦门大学本科、中国科网上赌博网站 博士毕业,厦门...
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报告题目:Defense control design for cyber-physical systems with attacks 报告人:University of Adelaide,Peng Shi教授 报告时间:4月2日(周五)下午13:15-15:00点报告地点:线上会议(腾讯会议)会议 ID:334 231 017;会议密码:0402 报告摘要: Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the mechanisms controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with the internet and its users. CPSs...
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报告题目:Granular Mining, Uncertainty Modeling and Data Science: Concepts, Applications and Challenges 报告人: Indian Statistical Institute, Sankar Kumar Pal教授 报告时间:3月31日(周三)下午14:30点报告地点:线上会议(ZOOM)Meeting ID: 955 9295 2602;Passcode: 514132 报告摘要:The talk has three parts. First it describes the –· Components of granular computing and features of granulation· ...
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报告题目:3D integration - state-of-the-art and future outlook报告人:Jagiellonian University大学Maciej Ogorzalek教授报告时间:3月23日下午16点报告地点:线上会议(ZOOM)Meeting ID: 939 7434 4396; Passcode: 096877报告摘要:Integrated circuits are omnipresent. We not only use mobile phones, personal computers but we are surrounded by systems whose operation highly depends on advances sensors, proc...
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报告名称:荧光探针与生物传感时间:11月27日下午 3:30-5:00地点:升华后楼504报告摘要:针对人体三种生物硫醇(半胱氨酸,同型半胱氨酸,谷胱甘肽),合理设计并合成了一个多反应位点、量子产率高、水溶性好的小分子荧光探针用于同时区分检测Hcy、Cys、GSH及其相互转化的动态监测。该探针对Hcy、Cys和GSH具有挺好的灵敏度与选择性,同时检测限分别低至0.7,0.2和1 nM.该研究成果将促进荧光定量检测细胞或血清中Hcy/Cys/GSH以及监...
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报告时间:11月20号(周五)上午九点地点:民主楼210(腾讯会议:653 686 692)报告题目:Formation Control for Multi-agent Systems: Introduction, Analysis and Design摘要:Multi-agentSystems (MAS) are systems with characteristics of cooperation anddecentralization.As the agents often work under complex circumstances, limitations of the hardware that include limited passive sensing and active communic...
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报告题目:Autonomous Mobile Robot Localization: Sensing and Estimation报告时间:2020年10月17日(星期日)下午16:00报告地点:腾讯会议-会议号:458 451 721报告人:Hamid Reza Karimi教授,意大利米兰理工大学报告摘要:The area of mobile robotics include many engineering and science disciplines, from mechanical, electrical and electronics engineering to computer, cognitive and social sciences. Recently,...