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报告时间:2019年10月17日(星期四)上午9:00—10:00报告地点:网站赌博 本部民主楼222报告人1:施光泽报告题目:A Common Second Frequency Control of Island Cascaded-type Microgrid报告摘要:Cascaded-type microgrid plays an important role in high voltage level applications. The frequency regulation is the guarantee for obtain a high supply power quality. This paper proposes a common second frequency c...
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报告时间:2019年10月16日(星期三)下午15:00——18:00报告地点:铁道校区第二综合实验楼513会议室报告人1:乐寅辉报告题目:Emerging eT&D Grids: Energy Storage, Electrification, and the Increasing Role of Power Electronics报告摘要:Emerging electronic transmission and distribution (eT&D) grids will evolve rapidly accommodating the changes in generation mix and load profile that are associated with ...
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报告题目:Data Analytics for Smart Energy Cyber-Physical System Security报告人:University of Essex大学Shiyan Hu教授报告时间:9月30日上午11点报告地点:升华楼504会议室报告摘要:The massive deployment of advanced metering infrastru4ctures has mandated a transformative shift of the classical power grid towards a more reliable smart grid. However, such a cyber-physical power system is vulnerable to...
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?报告题目:The State of Academic Publishing in the Control and Automation Field报告人:Prof. Ian Craig, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria报告时间:2019年9月27日10:00-12:00报告地点:升华后楼504报告摘要:This presentation will provide an overview of the publications portfolio of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). This por...
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题目:“虚拟现实一带一路”:技术、系统与成果时间:2019年9月25日(星期三)上午9点:30开始地点:网站赌博 校本部升华后楼504室报告人:罗训教授,天津理工大学报告内容摘要:“一带一路”覆盖地域广阔、人口众多、文化多元。政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通等“五通”既是建设目标,更是实际需求。如何使用新一代信息技术有效开展“一带一路”交流,我们在过去五年间做了很多探索工作。2018年,十八所“一...
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